Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A new Day

Well, since its almost time for bed, I figure Id share my thoughts. Well yesterday was an ok day. I worked 12 hrs. I enjoyed the day at work. We had an older patient for once who had the old school nintendo and mario to go along with it. Wow how that brings back memories, so the nurses and I decided to switch off playing with him. I exhausted once I got home though. Jeff and I had a decent dinner..although my goal of not eating out didnt exactly get maintained. We ended up at Wendys. Blah. During the week when I am working days, its almost always a crappy day when I get off and Jeff has to go to work. I usually only seem for about an hour before he leaves to go to work....So then I end up coming home to my cats and falling fast asleep. Typically on the couch...I know that I have a full size bed, but its lonely sleeping there by myself...and its currently covered with clothes and odd items. Its what I get for cleaning out my closet...I thought Id get some where by being able to see the floor..funny how its mostly still on the floor just not in closet. I am really getting annoyed with myself, I really really want to be able to keep something/some place clean...but I cant for the life of me keep up with the laundry or the cleaning...what the hell is wrong with me...I wasnt raised in a hell hole, explain to me why I seem to think that I need to live in one. Many of you that know me, the running joke is how messy is my place..and it has been since I left from now on..Im going to clean up after myself. Tomorrow Im going to get the rest of my place clean...even if that takes all day!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Random Thoughts

Ok, well....its just after 2pm on Sunday. Ive managed to a little accomplished today, although not as much as I would have liked. This week has been rough. I switched back to days from working nights for a month, and it just taken a tole on my body. Im tired, I dont ever sleep when I am susposed to sleeping and all I want to do is sleep when I am required to be awake. I love my job, but since our census is so low, I might be forced to find another one to fill in some days. The other thing about my job is being the low person on the list, I get stuck with crappy schedules. When I interviewed for this position, I thought I made it clear that I wanted straight nightsinstead of a day/night rotation. Nights are hard enough to get used to, when just doing them straight...let alone when one month you are on nights and the next month you go days. Well this week, I went from nights to days...and my sleep schedule is messed up. This week I also started a new birth control pill and it didnt work either, made me so sick that I couldnt function and that was just after three days. So I called..and what do you know...they switch me to another one, but I have to wait for another cycle...Ugh..its just what do you period shows up yesterday...just over a week from the last one....More later