Sunday, September 25, 2005

Strange Day

Well, today was sort of an odd day. I had an early start, well....for me an early start at 9 am to head to Target to get a bridal shower present. Then I came home and wrapped the present for my friend. The shower was from 2-4:30. Then I headed back home to grab scrubs, since it was time to go back to work after a long group of days off. Jeff was at his mom's house, so I figured that I would go over there to see him since I hadn't seen him all day. I get there at about 5:30, Jeff was down stairs on the computer, so I holler for him. 10 min go by, 20 min go by, and finally at 6 pm he decides to come upstairs...Well by then I was mad, I had to leave for work at 6:15. I was irriated because had I of known that he was going to spend the time on the computer I would have stayed at home and slept. So I get to work and have since started a busy evening, which isnt bad, just busy. So I get a break around 8:30 and decide that I would check my hotmail e-mail when low and behold an ex boyfriend that I hadnt talked to in 2 yrs decides to send me an e-mail asking what was going on in my life...STRANGE! I am not sure what that is all about, and I am not even sure where to go from here about that. Ahh...anyway, time to give meds, gotta run.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Long overdue update

Well, here we are in the midst of September and a ton has happened since I last posted. Lets start with the biggest news of all....I am pregnant, due April 17th,2006. As of today I am 10 weeks. This has seemed to cause a little bit of an uproar in my life, Jeff and I are still together and doing great. Now planning a wedding for Oct 06. I am currently living at my parents house to get some major credit card bills paid off. This was planned even before I found out I was pregnant. So hopefully, before this baby is born, I will basicly be debt free other than my car and student loans. My mom is speaking to me, however, my father has said a few words, but not many. I am still working nights, and enjoying it. Jamie's wedding is only about 40 days away and that has caused a little bit of a disturbance between her and I, as well as me being pregnant. This has hit our friendship a little harder than I expected, but we are doing ok. I am feeling ok for the most part, tired all the time, sick off and on. Had an uneventful first appt. Just the typcial pap smear and blood work. Next appt in 4 weeks. Will update later!